what is black fungus infection-क्या होता है ब्लैक फंगस?
ब्लैक फंगस हिंदी एक दुर्लभ फंगस इंफेक्शन है जो तेजी से नाक, आंख, दिमाग व साइनस में फैलता है ब्लैक फंगस उन्हीं लोगों पर अटैक कर पाता है! Mucormycosis black fungus is a rare fungal infection that spreads rapidly in the nose, eyes, brain and sinuses. Black fungus is able to attack only those people! 1.what is black fungus food 1-cup serving of dried black fungus mushrooms serves up a whopping 20 grams of fiber, or around 70 percent of the DV, according to the USDA. 2.what is black fungus medically called The black fungus is medically called mucor. It is a fungus that can cause the blackening of the skin and nails. It can also cause respiratory problems, such as difficulty in breathing. 3. black toenail fungus What causes black toenail A black toenail may be caused by: An underlying medical condition: This may include anemia, diabetes, heart disease, or kidney disease Fingernails are clues to your healthtechnically called a subungual hematoma! 4.toenail turns black Toenails are naturally w...